this site contains writing & images by Joseph Stern
Background: Born Montreal, Canada; BA, Yunnan University, China; MA, University of Nottingham, UK
Awards / Exhibitions: 17th Black and White Spider Photo Award, Children of the World, 2023; Prix de la Photographie de Paris (Paris Photo Prize), Landscapes, 2022;Monovisions Photography Award, Landscapes, 2022; International Photography Award, Street Photography, 2021; International Photography Award, Children, 2020; Shanghai Online Art Exhibition, 2022; Charging Post and Tai Hu Stone Exhibition, 2021; Gravity Field Art Exhibit, 2021
Publications: Storm Cellar, 2023; Lincoln Review, 2023; F-stop Magazine, 2023; Split Rock Review, 2022; Witness Magazine, 2021; Street Photography Magazine, 2021; MidWest Review, 2021; F-stop Magazine, 2021; Filling Station, 2021; Another Chicago Magazine, 2020; Brush Talks, 2020; Gargoyle, 2019; The American Journal of Poetry, 2017; Common Ground, 2017; Lighten Up Online, 2016; The Main Street Rag, 2016; Penny Ante Feud, 2014; The New Poet, 2013; Angle, 2013; Poetry Pacific, 2013; Literary Juice, 2012 (Pushcart Prize nominee)